The contact information you need to contact the credit bureaus. I recommend setting a Security Freeze to further protect your information. Equifax Experian TransUnion P.O. Box 105788Atlanta, GA P.O. Box 9554Allen, TX…
Encrypt and Password Protect a .zip on a Mac using Terminal or Automator Service
I recently needed to provide some sensitive documents to someone and the quickest method was email. However, I wanted to secure the contents (even just a little) before sending. I was able…
World Password Day
It’s the first Thursday of May and time to update your passwords. For more information about protecting yourself and others online check out You can also do yourself a favor and use…
Boxcryptor Encrypts Prior to Sending to the Cloud
I sometimes need to transfer files between computers and tools like Dropbox, SkyDrive and Box are great for this. However, sometimes the files are sensitive and I’d prefer for the file to…
Hackers have gotten brave charging $300 to access your own data
CryptoLocker. Heard of it? Maybe not yet, but you should be taking precautions against it. This tricky little trojan virus will encrypt all the data on your computer and then hold it…
Take Control of Your Passwords
Joe Kissell’s recently published ebook on password management. It’s only $10 and you can immediately download it in just about any format you need. Available at